PWS400K - FDM network printer

VAT included Kč27,685.95 bez DPH

3D FDM printer PWS400K was created in collaboration between Ready3D and 400K.

The printer allows normal print speeds above 100mm/s with non-printing movements of 400mm/s, all without losing print quality. It achieves this with a rigid and durable construction, CNC milled aluminum parts, parts printed with Multijet Fusion technology and Klipper firmware.

It enables remote message control both inside the home network and outside using the Karmen service. Compared to conventional 3D printers, it reduces printing times by an average of 30%. The result is a reduction in energy costs and an increase in the production of 3D printed models.


We present to you the 3D FDM printer PWS400K, which was created in collaboration between Ready3D and 400K.

The printer allows normal print speeds above 100mm/s with non-printing movements of 400mm/s, all without losing print quality. It achieves this with a rigid and durable construction, CNC milled aluminum parts, parts printed with Multijet Fusion technology and Klipper firmware.

It enables remote message control both inside the home network and outside using the Karmen service. Compared to conventional 3D printers, it reduces printing times by an average of 30%. The result is a reduction in energy costs and an increase in the production of 3D printed models.

Profiles for PusaSlicer 2.7.1 can be downloaded here in the download section. On these pages you will also find other models for download.

PrusaSliser 2.7.1 dowload.

Parameters of the PWS400K 3D printer:

  • Normal print speed 100mm/s+, maximum speed 400mm/s acceleration 7500mm/s2
  • Opensource Klipper firmware with Fluidd/Mainsail web interface, auxiliary LCD display
  • Connection to the network using a LAN cable or Wifi
  • RGB LED lighting in the frame with the possibility of changing the light intensity and light notifications.
  • Karmen web service with the option of remote management via mobile device, sending optional notifications from the printer to the paired application, SMS or email
  • Relay for automatic shutdown of the printer in case of completion of printing, detected error or failure. Which increases not only safety but also user comfort.
  • Parts printed by MJF technology from highly temperature-resistant PA (nylon) material, allowing the printer to be placed in a closed box and subsequent printing at high temperatures.
  • Automatic alignment of the printing pad using the BL touch sensor
  • Rigid all-metal frame made of aluminum profiles 2040, 2060. Base, front and back plate made of aluminum with a thickness of 6 mm, all in a semi-matt black komaxit lacquered design.
  • Print area 235 x 235 x 260(Z)mm, magnetic bed with PWS granular sheet
  • 10 mm hardened ground bars for X and Z axes.
  • 1.5A stepper motors NEMA 17 (X,Y,Z) brand STEPPERONLINE
  • 1.0A pancake motor NEMA 17 (extruder) brand STEPPEROLINE.
  • Direct extruder with gear ratio 50:17 with filament sensor.
  • The possibility of printing all materials up to a temperature of 300°C. Czech-made hotend from TECH-MODEL with copper heatblock, titanium heatbreak and aluminum cooler.
  • Original Gates manufacturer belts.
  • MGN12 linear guide for Y axis, MISUMI quality LM10UU and LM10LUU linear bearings for X and Z axis.
  • 24V supply MEAN WELL LRS400-24 (printer power supply), 5V supply MEAN WELL RS-25-5 (permanent RPI supply).
  • Orange Pi 3 LTS + 32Gb card (USB) 32bit motherboard with TMC2209 UART drivers (sensorless homing XY) 
  • 12864 neopixel display with the possibility of changing the color of the backlight.
  • 3 x USB slots for connecting a camera
  • Preparation for printing in a box with a temperature of up to 50 degrees (electronics cooled in the base from below)
  • fitted with a 0.4 mm brass nozzle from the factory
  • printer dimensions: width 48 cm / depth 38 cm / height without coil holder 53 cm - coil holder 15 cm
  • package dimensions (box): 56 x 56 x 68 cm
  • printer weight: 15 kg

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